Offices » Title One Office

Title One Office

Title I, Economic Impact Aid
State Compensatory Education (EIA-SCE)

The purpose of Title I and EIA-SCE is to meet the educational needs of low-income children and the needs of children in local institutions for neglected or delinquent children. Participants include students who are at risk of failing, disabled, English learners, and those identified-eligible students participating in private schools.

Compensatory education funds supplement services needed to raise the academic achievement level of K through 12 participants in basic and advanced skills. Additional support may be provided through professional development and health and guidance services. Parents of children being served have the opportunity to participate in the design and implementation of the program through activities such as developing parent policy and compacts; parent-teacher conferences; parent training and literacy; classroom volunteers, tutors, aides, etc. The program receives federal funding from the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, and the Economic Impact Aid--State Compensatory Education (EIA-SCE).

Definition of Supplemental Funds: Supplemental funds are those funds which are granted to districts and schools for specific program purposes and which are over and above the general revenue funds the districts and schools receive to support the base program. Supplemental funds must be used to support and enhance the district's and school's core program. Supplemental funds may not be used to replace or supplant the funds and programs the district provides the school.

We are a Schoolwide Program
Schoolwide Program (SWP) is the reform effort of Title I. A schoolwide program school may use its Title I, Part A, funds coupled with other educational funds to upgrade the school's entire educational program, rather than to target services only on identified children. By affecting the entire program of instruction, the overall education of children in the most impoverished schools can be improved. For schools opting to become schoolwide programs, schools have expanded flexibility and support.

No Child Left Behind Act: Each Title I school must develop, jointly with parents of children receiving Title I services, a written school parental involvement policy that describes how the school will carry out the parental involvement requirements in No Child Left Behind, Section 1118. The requirements consist of four components:

  • Parent Involvement Policy
  • Parents Right to Know
  • School-Parent Compact
  • Building Capacity for Involvement

Parents Right to Know
No Child Left Behind mandates that Title I schools give each parent timely notice when their child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks, by a teacher who is not highly qualified.

LAUSD parents may make written requests and receive information regarding the qualifications of their child's teacher - i.e., credential, degree, and major).

You may look up a credential here.

Mr. Ulises Dumas

Title I Coordinator

7:50 AM - 3:30 PM

(323) 826-2583

Salvador Velasco
(323) 826-2501